GIF based on “Expressionnisme concret” from Mathieu Valade.
The Quebec Art Council annonced is support of the Brooklyn exhition.
In a Post-World : Post-Punk Art Now.
October 9 – November 8, 2015
Be serious and be punk at once: Ai Weiwei, an punk artist at the Royal Academy of London.
Radio France Internationale
«I always wanted painting to have the same immediacy, realness, danger and presence that I felt in [punk] music » Michael David
16 Images That Capture The Dark And Beautiful Love Affair Between Art And Punk. “To me, punk rock is the freedom to create, freedom to be successful, freedom to not be successful, freedom to be who you are,” punk Jedi … Read More/Lire plus
Our friends from Studio Feed updated their website, including the amazing campagn they did for the 2014 Post-Punk Event.
This article, encouraging and intellectualizing the use of punk style in graphic design, is not entirely punk. All apologies. That being said…
Don’t Accept What They’re Giving You
With New York and London were at the epicenter of this … Read More/Lire plus
Gogol Bordello Artist’s Statement:
Gogol Bordello’s task is to provoke audience out of post-modern aesthetic swamp onto a neo-optimistic communal movement towards new sources of authentic energy. With acts of music, theatre, chaos and sorcery Gogol Bordello confronts the jaded … Read More/Lire plus
Dan Witz, “70 Commercial Street” (2010)
Any punk with their wits about them is bound to react rather viscerally to the words “punk rock,” “rainbow” and “sparkle” being tossed together in the same salad of a sentence. So, naturally, … Read More/Lire plus
A group consisting of zine queen Osa Atoe, Le Tigre’s Johanna Fateman, the performance artist known as Narcissister, No Wave legend Lydia Lunch, and artist-curator Astria Suparak will be holding a panel discussion about the twin forces of punk and … Read More/Lire plus
What you’re looking at are the dismembered liner notes from a Rancid album from the early ’90s: off-the-rack retread punk rock angst reanimated and set stalking for a new generation of disaffected youth.
McClelland was one of them and … Read More/Lire plus
The virtues of Vice: how punk magazine was transformed into media giant. Vice, with its gonzo-style journalism and access-all-areas attitude, is not easy to define.
How did Guy Debord help form punk rock?
The Independent: Read the review
The Guardian: Read the review
Known for portrayals of himself sporting a halo and for depictions of masturbating women, Schiele, with what might be termed a punk rock, rebellious attitude, … Read More/Lire plus
No one does knitwear quite like Scottish stalwarts, Pringle, so we’re celebrating the re-launched, re-vamped version of their longstanding magazine, Bulletin as it takes the leap online from its humble beginnings as a print magazine in the ’50s. In light of their recent … Read More/Lire plus
PUNK: Chaos to Couture | The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Si il y a une sous culture qui a fortement influencé le monde de la mode c’est bien le punk. Le Costume Institut du Metropolitan Museum of Art de New York a rendu hommage à la pérennité de l’influence de … Read More/Lire plus
“If there is but one cornerstone of “PUNK” as fashion, it is what Dame Vivienne Westwood dubbed “confrontation dressing.” Swastikas, tampons, spray-painted swears, safety pins — these were the tools with which this particular postmodern machine of resistance, youth, and … Read More/Lire plus
Pour l’exposition Ras le bol, la commissaire Ève Dorais s’est inspirée du mouvement punk, suggéré par l’une des œuvres de l’exposition : The Soiled Queen (God Save the Queen) de Naufus Ramirez-Figueroa. Il s’agit donc de faire place à … Read More/Lire plus